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Can I embed the Remotion Studio?

We currently don't allow embedding the Remotion Studio as a React component into your own app. This is because:

The desire to embed the Studio is usually tied to customizing the appearance or the behavior of the Studio. It is not currently designed to be customizable.

The Studio is connected to a backend, it is not a frontend-only app.

Consider the following alternatives:

Use the Remotion Player

The Remotion Studio uses the Remotion Player and builds a UI around it. You may use the Player yourself and create custom UI around it that aligns with your brand.

Deploy the Remotion Studio

You can deploy the Remotion Studio to a long-running server in the cloud and make it accessible to your team. Read here how to do so.

Wait for Remotion Bundles to include the Studio

If you are creating a bundle, you will get a static folder that includes HTML, CSS and JavaScript files. Right now, if you open this folder in the browser or deploy it as a static site, you cannot preview the video. We plan to in the foreseeable future include the Remotion Studio in the bundle, so you can preview the video in the browser.

See also